Your Tomatis® Listening Program​

For optimal assimilation, the Tomatis® Method listening program should be done in a sustained, repeated way, with alternating periods of rest. Your customized program will be defined by a certified Tomatis® professional after a complete assessment of your listening skills. The Tomatis® Method is a complementary approach to therapeutic, pedagogical, or medical interventions, and is provided by professionals specializing in health and education. We recommend selecting a professional whose primary expertise aligns with your specific needs or those of your child.


Step 1: TEQ
(Tomatis® Evaluation Questionnaire)

Time taken: Approx. 30 minutes

To begin Tomatis® Method program, you’ll need to fill out the TEQ preliminary evaluation questionnaire sent by your Tomatis® Practitioner via email. This online platform assesses various aspects such as behavior, emotions, language, attention, balance, coordination, and more. 

A notable feature is the ability for parents of child clients to complete the questionnaire online, providing a more accurate evaluation of the child’s abilities and profile beyond the interview time with the Tomatis® Professional.


Step 2: Preliminary Interview

Time taken: Approx. 02 hours

Following is an interview with a Tomatis® Professional who will discuss the TEQ results and may assess your complete listening profile using the Tomatis® Listening Test (TLT). The TLT evaluates the ear-to-brain connection’s effectiveness in processing auditory information beyond hearing ability. Emotional factors, trauma, or stress can impact effective listening.

TEQ as well as TLT help identify your listening potential and possible dysfunctions to design a customized Tomatis® Listening Program to help you achieve your desired goals. Unlike a hearing test, it evaluates the brain’s reception, processing, and understanding of auditory information.


Step 3: Intensive Listening & Audiovocal Sessions

Time taken: The standard program lasts for 14 days in multiple blocks

Once the evaluation is complete, the listening sessions can begin. Our Tomatis® professional will customize an exclusive listening program based on your individual needs. During the listening sessions, you will use one of our devices – either the Maestro by Tomatis® or TalksUp®, either at the Tomatis® Center or in the comfort of your own home.

To ensure a relaxed state during listening programs, avoid stressful or highly concentrated activities like eating, chewing gum, using electronic devices with blue screens or in any mode of transport. Instead, opt for activities like drawing, walking, playing, or cooking. The Tomatis® professional you select determines the duration, rhythm, and frequency of listening sessions. The listening program generally spans 60 minutes per day over 14 days, which may need to be repeated 2 or 3 times or more on the basis of your or your child’s condition. 


Step 4: Consolidation Program

Time taken: The standard program lasts for 4 weeks right after intensives

After completing the listening sessions, a Tomatis® professional typically advises a 4-week consolidation phase to allow the intensive listening experience to fully integrate. This period is crucial for continuing to stimulate the ear and brain, maximizing the benefits.

The consolidation program includes carrying out stimulation exercises during this four-week hiatus, with sessions scheduled thrice weekly, each lasting 30 minutes or half the time of your daily listening session. Furthermore, a daily consolidation audio-vocal program is suggested, with durations varying between 5 and 20 minutes per session.


Step 5: Intermediary or Exit Interview

Time taken:  1.5  hours

Following every session with a break of around 4 weeks, you and/or your child will undergo an interim interview and assessment. Based on the results of this evaluation, a decision will be made regarding the continuation of the program, as well as the scheduling of new listening sessions. 

After the completion of your Tomatis® listening sessions, you will receive an exit assessment to evaluate your progress and determine if additional sessions are necessary. The Tomatis® Method yields enduring and long-lasting results.


*Please note our assessment tools are designed to help professionals determine your profile and evaluate your improvement after the listening sessions. These tools are not designed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Tomatis® products are not medical devices or medical instruments.

Start your journey with Tomatis®

To maximize your chances of success with the Tomatis® Method, please follow these steps :


Get your personalized Tomatis® Welcome Booklet


Find the best Practitioner with our interactive Map


Start your Listening Program and transform your Life

Image: Cover of the book 'Become a Tomatis Practitioner' depicted in white color

Step 1 - Get Your free Welcome Booklet

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Canal 2Fort timbre et intensité

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