Why Tomatis®?​

Children, teens, and adults, may encounter a range of challenges arising from poor communication between the ear and the brain. While the ear captures sensory stimuli such as sounds and movements, the brain may not process and interpret them accurately, which causes difficulty in functioning efficiently in daily life. The term used to describe these challenges is „Auditory Processing Disorders“ (APD), which means that the processing of auditory information is compromised.

improve auditory processing

Enhance Your Auditory Processing to improve motor, cognitive, communication and emotional skills

The Tomatis® Method is an educational intervention that improves the connection between the ear, brain, and body. Through targeted neurosensory stimulation, this method retrains the brain and re-patterns the nervous system by utilizing a special headphone equipped with proprietary Tomatis® technology, primarily using music composed by Mozart, Haydn, Strauss and other musicians rich in harmonics. With continued auditory stimulation during the program, it progressively optimizes the three crucial functions of the ear:

  1. body balance and coordination
  2. cognitive and listening abilities, and
  3. energy levels transmitted to the brain

The Tomatis® Method not only improves auditory processing and listening skills but can also enhance the effectiveness of other interventions, making it an effective technique for addressing a variety of issues.

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) :
A component of many other neurodevelopmental conditions?

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) often co-occurs with other neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism, ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, speech sound disorder, and learning difficulties. For example, over 80% of individuals with autism and more than 50% of those with ADD/ADHD display signs that overlap with APD. While behavioral signs may take priority in managing these conditions, addressing APD issues can enhance the effectiveness of any program. By improving auditory processing skills through specialized training, the Tomatis® Method can  help APD, SPD, ADD/ADHD, ASD, Speech and Language Disorders, Learning Difficulties, Emotional Regulation among many others.

9 reasons to start the Tomatis® Method


Backed by science

Most of our sensory input received by the brain comes from the ear. By stimulating the ear, which provides the most direct pathway to impact the brain, the Method improves the integration of sensory information, leading to more efficient auditory processing. Utilizing neuroplasticity principles, the program retrains the brain resulting in long-lasting improved motor, cognitive, and emotional abilities.


Evidence Based

Extensive research has provided robust support for the Tomatis® Method. Over the past six decades since its inception in 1959, numerous articles, peer-reviewed studies, pilot studies, presentations, and case studies have been published, covering a broad range of applications of the Tomatis® Method. Results show significant improvements not only in auditory processing (or listening) but lasting changes in other fields as well.


Natural, Non-invasive and Easy to use

The Tomatis® Method is a safe and gentle approach that is free from any adverse effects. It is now more accessible and convenient to use in the comfort of your own home with our portable equipment. You can use it while engaging in everyday activities such as cooking, playing, or even while taking a walk or relaxing.


Boosts conventional therapy results

The Tomatis® Method complements various therapeutic and educational programs, improving their effectiveness, accelerating results, and shortening intervention duration. Suitable for all ages, the method can help with diverse difficulties and disorders. The Tomatis® Listening program is flexible and can be conveniently completed at home, according to your schedule.


Invented by a pioneer of Neuroplasticity

Alfred Tomatis was a pioneer in studying the relationship between the ear and brain, and he believed in the brain's potential for improvement. His groundbreaking work in neuroscience, which focused on brain plasticity, has been posthumously recognized for its significance. Neurologist Norman Doidge pays tribute to Tomatis in his book "The Brain's Way of Healing," acknowledging his enduring influence on current research.


6+ decades of experience and efficiency

It was over sixty five years ago that the French Dr. Alfred Tomatis aimed to stimulate the brain through the auditory system in order to restore listening, which led to developing an educational program today. The Tomatis® Method is now recognized as an effective additional tool for addressing a range of behavioral, emotional, linguistic, and vocal disorders.


Delivered by Handpicked Certified Experts

The training sessions for the Tomatis® Method are specifically designed to cater to professionals such as clinicians and educators, including therapists, psychologists and special needs teachers who are interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship between the brain and the ear. As such, all applications are thoroughly evaluated based on various factors, such as the professional's qualifications, experience, project goals, and, most importantly, their motivation to learn. This ensures that the best minds work with you or child delivering 1:1 coaching.


A Unique and Proprietary Technology

Tomatis® has been a leader in neurosensory stimulation since 1958 when Dr. Alfred Tomatis created the Electronic Ear, which won the Gold Medal for scientific research at the Brussels World Exhibition. Today, Tomatis® continues to innovate with Maestro, a modern and portable device that incorporates the same principles, filters, and time delays as the original method, while benefiting from the latest technology to provide superior sound quality, precision, and range.


Transforming lives everyday

The Tomatis® Method is both effective and efficient. The program is now practiced by more than 3800 Tomatis® professionals benefitting over 200.000 individuals annually across 5 continents.

Start your journey with Tomatis®

To maximize your chances of success with the Tomatis® Method, please follow these steps :


Get your personalized Tomatis® Welcome Booklet


Find the best Practitioner with our interactive Map


Start your Listening Program and transform your Life

Image: Cover of the book 'Become a Tomatis Practitioner' depicted in white color

Step 1 - Get Your free Welcome Booklet

Ecouter un extrait musical filtré avec l’effet de Gating® Tomatis®

Effet de Gating® :


Canal 1Faible timbre et intensité

Canal 2Fort timbre et intensité

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