Success Stories​

Explore the powerful narratives and experiences that illustrate the impactful outcomes of the Tomatis® Method. From enhanced cognitive abilities to improved motor skills, from increased emotional well-being to remarkable personal achievements, these success stories showcase the profound effects of Tomatis® on individuals across diverse backgrounds and circumstances.

  • Sensory Processing

School Teacher with high sensory issues

I don’t seem to be as sensitive to noise in my classroom as I have been in previous years. I think it’s easier to hear the kids and I’m not irritated with the sound of multiple voices as I used to get. I’ve also noticed a significant enough improvement with my tactile sensitivities that I actually want to hug people! This is a first and my friends are all surprised by my sudden transformation from having a five-foot space bubble to wanting to hug them.

Steve J.

  • Motor & Coordination
  • Speech & Language

Speech disorder & psychomotor delay

My child has a speech disorder and psychomotor delay. Progress was slow and we were in search for different method and we came across Tomatis Method. It helped us to speed speaking abillities, but it also helped us in social skills and in communication with different people. It is not invasive method and the advantage is that you can use it in any time of the day and you can do other things like write, play or read. We like Professional approach and our Tomatis Consultant Irena is very patient and always there to guide us in every step of the way.

Renata J.

  • Speech & Language

Speech Delays

My child is 3.5 years old and we started Tomatis around 6 months ago. We used Tomatis because of speech delay, my child hardly could say any words and didn’t understand the language. Right now he understands most of things I am telling to him and already saying 2 words in a time and started to say phrases “I want sweets”. Though he only wants sweets and cookies now, I am very happy with a progress we made and we will be using Tomatis again.

Zinaida K.

  • ABC 123
  • Auditory Processing
  • Autism

Some positive changes in our child already

We came to know about Tomatis from parents of a child who has had remarkable progress since the program. This was in India. The child was non-verbal and now can keep talking in great details about every character and weapon used in Star Wars! We are so glad to have found Cat, who does Tomatis program in the UK. She helped conduct the first two intensives of the Tomatis program, and also took time to explain various aspects that can affect speech, sensory issues, attention span, etc. She is a true professional and great in joining the dots of potential issues with certain behaviour(s). She is extremely patient and friendly and comes up with suggestions from time to time. She is also very prompt in responding to the smallest of the queries. We have started seeing some positive changes in our child already. Thank you so much Cat!

Kartik S.

  • ADD / ADHD

No more ADHD medications

  The Tomatis program has made a significant difference in my child’s life. He is more calm, more focused, and has an increased attention span. Before completing the Tomatis program my child was medicated for hyperactivity. He is no longer on any medicine and is able to control his behavior and impulsiveness. He enjoys the sessions and they seem to have a calming affect on him that continues after completion. The benefits build with each session.

Jennifer G.

  • Hello Tomatis 123
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  • Auditory Processing
  • Autism

Better communication and social interaction

Sue helped my son become more confident and present. His attention and language became more organized. He communicates and interacts with peers and educators more effectively now. I am very grateful to Sue. She really helped facilitate my son’s development, and I will be forever grateful.

Tracie H.

  • hello hello
  • Autism
  • Speech & Language

Graduated Non-verbal ASD

Tomatis was the best thing we did for our son when he was 4 years old. He was diagnosed with ASD at the age of 2.5. He was non-verbal, unaware of his surroundings and after the first week of Tomatis he was saying complete sentences and was more aware of his surroundings. He has successfully attended and graduated a vocational and high school at the age of 18. He is now 21 years old, has his driver's license, bought his first car and has held a full time job for 3 years. I wonder where he would be if we hadn't completed the Tomatis Therapy program. Thank you!

Heidi S.

  • Autism
  • Speech & Language

Improved speech

Georgia became much more aware of her surroundings, able to discuss more, asks more questions, understands things more.

Lindsey G.

  • Emotional Balance

Post-traumatic Stress

Tomatis has changed my life. It helped me reach goals that I have tried to go for years through working with traditional behavioral/trauma therapists, where I didn't make much progress. I highly recommend Tomatis with Miriam if you want to reach your goals and get better. I am forever grateful for all the gifts I received through Tomatis.

Etsy S.

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Canal 2Fort timbre et intensité

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