Research & Publications

Check here numerous research and publications demonstrating the effectiveness of the Tomatis® Method in its various fields of application. The titles are a free translation and are provided for information purposes only.

Other research studies

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  • An historical commentary on the Physiological effects of Music: Tomatis®, Mozart and Neuropsychology

    Dr Billie Thompson, Dr Suzan Andrews, Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science Journal. USA, 2000

    This article provides an overview of the theoretical underpinnings of the Tomatis® Method, along with a commentary on other forms of sound/music training and the need for research. A public debate was sparked over the "Mozart Effect." This debate has turned out to be unfortunate because the real story is being missed. The real story starts with Alfred Tomatis, M.D., scientist and innovator. Dr. Tomatis was the first to develop a technique using modified music to stimulate the rich interconnections between the ear and the nervous system to integrate aspects of human development and behavior. The originating theories behind the Tomatis® Method are reviewed to describe the ear's clear connection to the brain and the nervous system. The "neuropsychology of sound training" describes how and what the Tomatis® Method effects. Since Dr. Tomatis® opened this field in the mid 20th century, no fewer than a dozen offshoot and related systems of training have been developed. Though each new system of treatment makes claims of effectiveness, no research exists to substantiate their claims. Rather, each simplified system bases its "right to exist and advertise" on the claimed relationship to Tomatis® and his complex Method. Research is desperately needed in this area. The 50 years of clinical experience and anecdotal evidence amassed by Tomatis® show that sound stimulation can provide a valuable remediation and developmental training tool for people of all ages. Offshoot systems have watered down the Tomatis® Method without research to guide the decisions of simplifying the techniques and equipment.
  • Enhancing psychological well-being and musical proficiency: Experiences of a Black South African singer during a Tomatis® study of student musicians and at follow-up, seven years postprogram

    Pr Wynand du Plessis, Marth Munro, Daan Wissing, and Werner Nel, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus and Tshwane University of Technology (Munro), Ricochet Journal, South Africa, 2008

  • Educational Interpreters and the Tomatis® Method: a mixed methods study at the North-West University

    Ina-Marí Du Toit, North-West University, South Africa, 2010

  • Case study of a child with organic damage within the central nervous system treated with the Tomatis® Method

    Izabela Przybek-Czuchrowska , Ewa Mojs , Ewelina Urna-Bzdęga, Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia, Poland, 2015

  • Effects of the Tomatis® Method on physically and mentally impaired adults

    Hilde Tinkl, Barbara Thima, Nafeesah Mayet, Tomatis® Institut Thima, Serravagasse 6, 1140 Vienna.

  • Effect of Tomatis® Audio Training on executive dysfunction in patients with stroke

    Zhang Jingjing, Chen Changxiang, College of Nursing and Rehabilitation, North China University of Science and Technology, China, 2016

Emotional Balance

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et nibh diam. Etiam in auctor leo, non imperdiet tellus. Aenean sollicitudin tellus id felis tincidunt, at sodales quam facilisis. Sed ac arcu ex. Ut odio enim, condimentum vel pharetra ut, pulvinar ut dolor. Proin lorem lacus, dictum at placerat ut, rhoncus at massa. Aliquam eu convallis ipsum. Nulla a imperdiet lectus. Nulla malesuada ultrices purus, at tincidunt diam porta vitae.

  • Audio-Psycho-Phonology at Potchefstroom: A Review

    Pieter E. van Jaarsveld, Wynand F. du Plessis, South African Journal of Psychology, South Africa, 1988

    Audio-psycho-phonology (APP) has been hailed by some critics as refreshingly new, dynamic, pioneering and revolutionary, whilst others question the theoretical principles and the therapeutic approach, inter alia, because of the strong accent on clinical observations and the lack of rigorous empirical backing. This article presents a short outline of the Tomatis® APP approach as well as an overview of eight empirical studies conducted in South Africa on topics such as laterality, stuttering, anxiety, and the application of the technique to the severely mentally retarded. The studies indicate positive effects, such as improved self-control, self-concept, interpersonal relations and achievement functioning. However, identified methodological deficiencies limit the degree to which the gains can be attributed to the APP approach alone. Finally, the authors propose the adoption of a research strategy that is more likely to identify, and produce an understanding of the strategies, agents and mechanisms by which different elements of the APP approach produce their results.
  • Audio-psycho-phonology: A comparative outcome study on anxious primary school pupils

    Pieter E. van Jaarsveld, Wynand F. du Plessis, South African Journal of Psychology, South Africa, 1988

  • Case Study: 20 years old client diagnosed with communication disorders, sensory issues and anxiety using the Tomatis® Method

    Ansie Vercueil, International Tomatis® Convention in Paris, South Africa, 2016

  • Case Studies: 6 Children from 5 Years to 7 Years using The Tomatis® Method to develop learning and academic skills

    Gisela van Velze, International Tomatis® Convention in Paris, South Africa, 2016

  • Effect of Tomatis Listening Therapy on Sleep Structure in Patients with Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage

    CHENG Jie,WANG Qian,DONG Lihuan, et al. Effect of Tomatis Listening Therapy on Sleep Structure in Patients with Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage [J]. Chinese General Practice, 2019

  • Case Study: 18 Year old client diagnosed with aspergers, OCD and anxiety using the Tomatis® Method

    Charlotte Davies, Daleen Smith, Fit2learn, UK, 2016

Sensory Processing Disorders, Motor & Coordination Difficulties

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et nibh diam. Etiam in auctor leo, non imperdiet tellus. Aenean sollicitudin tellus id felis tincidunt, at sodales quam facilisis. Sed ac arcu ex. Ut odio enim, condimentum vel pharetra ut, pulvinar ut dolor. Proin lorem lacus, dictum at placerat ut, rhoncus at massa. Aliquam eu convallis ipsum. Nulla a imperdiet lectus. Nulla malesuada ultrices purus, at tincidunt diam porta vitae.

  • Case Studies of Children with Dyspraxia Following Intervention with a Tomatis® Method Program

    Françoise Nicoloff, IARCTC, Australia, 2004

    A report about two cases of children with a diagnosis of a pathology most commonly known as Developmental Dyspraxia are presented, showing changes in speech and other abilities following participation in a Tomatis® Method program in Australia. These cases deal specifically with forms of Developmental Dyspraxia called Verbal Dyspraxia. Definitions, main theories, and characteristics of Developmental Dyspraxia inform about what this condition is and how it manifests. Also included is a detailed description of the Tomatis® Method program and the physiological and scientific theory basis for observed changes in abilities. Finally, simple conclusions are offered to highlight benefits provided by the Tomatis® Method program for those who suffer from Developmental Dyspraxia.
  • Effectiveness of Listening (Auditory) Therapies on Sensory Processing Disorders

    Anne Chastain, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, USA, 2008

  • Case Study: 20 years old client diagnosed with communication disorders, sensory issues and anxiety using the Tomatis® Method

    Ansie Vercueil, International Tomatis® Convention in Paris, South Africa, 2016

  • Effectiveness of Tomatis Sound Therapy Method on Reading Skill and Motor Skills in Dyslexic Students

    Narges Rahmani, Mahnz Estaki, Niusha Beheshteh, Islamic Azad University, Iran, 2019

Learning Difficulties & Academics

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et nibh diam. Etiam in auctor leo, non imperdiet tellus. Aenean sollicitudin tellus id felis tincidunt, at sodales quam facilisis. Sed ac arcu ex. Ut odio enim, condimentum vel pharetra ut, pulvinar ut dolor. Proin lorem lacus, dictum at placerat ut, rhoncus at massa. Aliquam eu convallis ipsum. Nulla a imperdiet lectus. Nulla malesuada ultrices purus, at tincidunt diam porta vitae.

  • Case Studies of Children with Dyspraxia Following Intervention with a Tomatis® Method Program

    Françoise Nicoloff, IARCTC, Australia, 2004

    A report about two cases of children with a diagnosis of a pathology most commonly known as Developmental Dyspraxia are presented, showing changes in speech and other abilities following participation in a Tomatis® Method program in Australia. These cases deal specifically with forms of Developmental Dyspraxia called Verbal Dyspraxia. Definitions, main theories, and characteristics of Developmental Dyspraxia inform about what this condition is and how it manifests. Also included is a detailed description of the Tomatis® Method program and the physiological and scientific theory basis for observed changes in abilities. Finally, simple conclusions are offered to highlight benefits provided by the Tomatis® Method program for those who suffer from Developmental Dyspraxia.
  • A review of research done on Tomatis® auditory stimulation

    Dr Jan Gerritsen, USA, 2009

  • Coherence between Tomatis® test and central auditory processing audiologic test battery in Children with Dyslexia

    Markowska R., Szkiełkowska A., Ratyńska J., Skarżyński H, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Poland, 2008

  • Case Studies: 6 Children from 5 Years to 7 Years using The Tomatis® Method to develop learning and academic skills

    Gisela van Velze, International Tomatis® Convention in Paris, South Africa, 2016

  • Application and analysis of the Tomatis® Method with primary children in public schools

    Dra. M. Concepció Torres Sabaté, Departamento de Pedagogía de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y Psicología de la Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Spain, 2014

  • Early Effects of the Tomatis® Listening Method in Children with Attention Deficit

    Liliana Sacarin, Antioch University –Dissertations and Theses, USA 2013

  • Effectiveness of Tomatis Sound Therapy Method on Reading Skill and Motor Skills in Dyslexic Students

    Narges Rahmani, Mahnz Estaki, Niusha Beheshteh, Islamic Azad University, Iran, 2019


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et nibh diam. Etiam in auctor leo, non imperdiet tellus. Aenean sollicitudin tellus id felis tincidunt, at sodales quam facilisis. Sed ac arcu ex. Ut odio enim, condimentum vel pharetra ut, pulvinar ut dolor. Proin lorem lacus, dictum at placerat ut, rhoncus at massa. Aliquam eu convallis ipsum. Nulla a imperdiet lectus. Nulla malesuada ultrices purus, at tincidunt diam porta vitae.

  • Asperger disorder and the Tomatis® Method: a case-study

    Lindi Nel, North West University. Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa, 2005

    This study aimed to determine what the effect of participation in a Tomatis® Programme (TP) would be on the psychological well-being and communication ability of a 14 year old, white adolescent boy with Asperger Disorder (AD). A mixed method design in the form of a single case study was used. Qualitative data were obtained via semi-structured interviews, spontaneous sketches and observation. Quantitative data were gathered by means of projective drawings and the Profile of Mood States (POMS). Seven main categories with twenty-one sub-categories emerged eom the qualitative data, and were supported by the quantitative data. Results indicated improvement in Interpersonal Communication and all six domains of psychological well-being as defined by RyfT (1995) with most significant areas being: Environmental Mastery, Personal Growth, Autonomy and Positive Relations. The Tomatis® Method (TM) proved to be a successful form of treatment to enhance psychological well-being and interpersonal communication skills in an AD patient. More effective communication and better family relationships can be achieved and therefore youth with AD can be empowered to adjust their behavior accordingly. The TM prepared the participant for a next phase in therapy where he specifically can focus on more effective social skills with peers. Further research involving more participants and a control group is needed.
  • Case-study: Tomatis® -Assisted Speech Therapy

    Dr John M. Tatum, Jennifer K. Oelfke, Caroline P. McCauley, IARCTC, USA, 2004

  • A review of research done on Tomatis® auditory stimulation

    Dr Jan Gerritsen, USA, 2009

  • Effectiveness of Listening (Auditory) Therapies on Sensory Processing Disorders

    Anne Chastain, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, USA, 2008

  • An Integrative Review of the Effectiveness of the Tomatis Method in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Irena Brbić, Laura Tomić, Integrative Health Center, Zagreb, Croatia, 2020

  • Effectiveness of Tomatis Sound Therapy Method on Reading Skill and Motor Skills in Dyslexic Students

    Narges Rahmani, Mahnz Estaki, Niusha Beheshteh, Islamic Azad University, Iran, 2019

  • Case Study: 18 Year old client diagnosed with aspergers, OCD and anxiety using the Tomatis® Method

    Charlotte Davies, Daleen Smith, Fit2learn, UK, 2016

  • Effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and Tomatis sound therapy in children with autism spectrum disorder

    Mohamed M El-Tellawy, Ahmad Roshdy Ahmad, Khaled Saad, Thamer A M Alruwaili, Inas M AbdelMoneim, Islam Shaaban, Ahmed Khalid M Alinad, Saqer Bulayhid H Albulayhid, Shaimaa M Khalaf, 2021

Speech and Language

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et nibh diam. Etiam in auctor leo, non imperdiet tellus. Aenean sollicitudin tellus id felis tincidunt, at sodales quam facilisis. Sed ac arcu ex. Ut odio enim, condimentum vel pharetra ut, pulvinar ut dolor. Proin lorem lacus, dictum at placerat ut, rhoncus at massa. Aliquam eu convallis ipsum. Nulla a imperdiet lectus. Nulla malesuada ultrices purus, at tincidunt diam porta vitae.

  • Audio-Psycho-Phonology at Potchefstroom: A Review

    Pieter E. van Jaarsveld, Wynand F. du Plessis, South African Journal of Psychology, South Africa, 1988

    Audio-psycho-phonology (APP) has been hailed by some critics as refreshingly new, dynamic, pioneering and revolutionary, whilst others question the theoretical principles and the therapeutic approach, inter alia, because of the strong accent on clinical observations and the lack of rigorous empirical backing. This article presents a short outline of the Tomatis® APP approach as well as an overview of eight empirical studies conducted in South Africa on topics such as laterality, stuttering, anxiety, and the application of the technique to the severely mentally retarded. The studies indicate positive effects, such as improved self-control, self-concept, interpersonal relations and achievement functioning. However, identified methodological deficiencies limit the degree to which the gains can be attributed to the APP approach alone. Finally, the authors propose the adoption of a research strategy that is more likely to identify, and produce an understanding of the strategies, agents and mechanisms by which different elements of the APP approach produce their results.
  • Application of Tomatis® Method in patients with language communication disorders. Preliminary report

    Zdzisław M. Kurkowski, Agata Szkiełkowska, Joanna Ratyńska, Renata Markowska, Marzena Mułarzuk, Audiofonologia, Poland, 2002

  • Auditory lateralization vs speech disorders

    Dr Z.M. Kurkowski, Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Poland, 2000

  • Case-study: Tomatis® -Assisted Speech Therapy

    Dr John M. Tatum, Jennifer K. Oelfke, Caroline P. McCauley, IARCTC, USA, 2004

  • A review of research done on Tomatis® auditory stimulation

    Dr Jan Gerritsen, USA, 2009

  • Coherence between Tomatis® test and central auditory processing audiologic test battery in Children with Dyslexia

    Markowska R., Szkiełkowska A., Ratyńska J., Skarżyński H, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Poland, 2008

  • A pilot study on the potential use of the Tomatis® Method to improve l2 reading fluency

    Peter Tze-Ming Chou Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, the Journal of Teaching English with Technology, Taiwan, 2012

  • Effect of Tomatis® Method on cognitive functions in children with speech disorders

    Ewa Mojos, Agnieszka Nowogrodzka, Bartosz Piasecki, Beata Wolnowska, Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia, Poland, 2011

  • Application and analysis of the Tomatis® Method with primary children in public schools

    Dra. M. Concepció Torres Sabaté, Departamento de Pedagogía de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y Psicología de la Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Spain, 2014

Auditory Processing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et nibh diam. Etiam in auctor leo, non imperdiet tellus. Aenean sollicitudin tellus id felis tincidunt, at sodales quam facilisis. Sed ac arcu ex. Ut odio enim, condimentum vel pharetra ut, pulvinar ut dolor. Proin lorem lacus, dictum at placerat ut, rhoncus at massa. Aliquam eu convallis ipsum. Nulla a imperdiet lectus. Nulla malesuada ultrices purus, at tincidunt diam porta vitae.

  • A Case of Auditory Processing Disorder or Sue’s discovery of speech clarity

    F. Nicoloff, IARCTC, Australia, 2007

    Auditory processing disorders are more readily acknowledged nowadays than in the past. Only until recently, the ability to hear and the organ of the ear were the last parameters to be examined with respect to learning difficulties and speech delay. Fortunately however, now the ear has come to be appropriately viewed as a fundamental factor in the list of elements that need to be evaluated when a child presents some speech and auditory difficulties.
  • A case study of cerebellar ataxia

    Maude Le Roux, A Total Approach, Ricochet Journal, USA, 2008

  • Coherence between Tomatis® test and central auditory processing audiologic test battery in Children with Dyslexia

    Markowska R., Szkiełkowska A., Ratyńska J., Skarżyński H, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Poland, 2008

  • Effect of Tomatis® Method on cognitive functions in children with speech disorders

    Ewa Mojos, Agnieszka Nowogrodzka, Bartosz Piasecki, Beata Wolnowska, Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia, Poland, 2011

  • Comparison of Effects of Auditory and Music Training of Blind or Visually Impaired Young People on Performance in Selected Auditory Tasks

    E. Skrodzka, A. Furmann, E. Bogusz-Witczak, and E. Hojan, Institute of Acoustics, A. Mickiewicz University, Acoutisal Engineering, Poland, 2015


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et nibh diam. Etiam in auctor leo, non imperdiet tellus. Aenean sollicitudin tellus id felis tincidunt, at sodales quam facilisis. Sed ac arcu ex. Ut odio enim, condimentum vel pharetra ut, pulvinar ut dolor. Proin lorem lacus, dictum at placerat ut, rhoncus at massa. Aliquam eu convallis ipsum. Nulla a imperdiet lectus. Nulla malesuada ultrices purus, at tincidunt diam porta vitae.

  • Case-study: Tomatis® -Assisted Speech Therapy

    Dr John M. Tatum, Jennifer K. Oelfke, Caroline P. McCauley, IARCTC, USA, 2004

    Objective: Since Tomatis® Listening Training is said to activate the auditory and attention circuits of the brain, we wanted to see if there was a synergistic benefit from combining it simultaneously with speech therapy. Methods: In the first case, a fourteen-year-old girl with Autism and no speech despite eight previous courses of speech therapy, received 30 hours of Tomatis® Listening Training, followed by ten months of three weekly one-hour sessions of simultaneous speech therapy and Tomatis® Listening Training. In the second case, a nine-year-old boy with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Auditory Processing Disorder, poor school performance, and secondary impaired phonemic awareness, received simultaneous speech therapy and Tomatis® Listening Training. Results: The girl in case one now has functional use of 34 words and 17 sounds and has had many social improvements. The boy in case two went from a phonemic awareness rating level of mid second grade to a rating of beginning fifth grade in a period of four months, which is faster than usual.
  • An Evaluation of The Tomatis® Method on 119 persons in a center in Nordisak

    Dr Eva Olkiewicz, Mats Westin, Sweden, 2012

  • Case Studies: 6 Children from 5 Years to 7 Years using The Tomatis® Method to develop learning and academic skills

    Gisela van Velze, International Tomatis® Convention in Paris, South Africa, 2016

  • Application and analysis of the Tomatis® Method with primary children in public schools

    Dra. M. Concepció Torres Sabaté, Departamento de Pedagogía de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y Psicología de la Universidad Rovira i Virgili, Spain, 2014

  • Early Effects of the Tomatis® Listening Method in Children with Attention Deficit

    Liliana Sacarin, Antioch University –Dissertations and Theses, USA 2013

  • Effectiveness of Tomatis Sound Therapy Method on Reading Skill and Motor Skills in Dyslexic Students

    Narges Rahmani, Mahnz Estaki, Niusha Beheshteh, Islamic Azad University, Iran, 2019

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