The Tomatis® Method for Schools and Institutions

The Tomatis® Method offers a valuable resource for educational settings, assisting children facing learning and academic hurdles. Our school-oriented Listening Program harnesses neuro-sensory techniques, employing auditory stimulation to bolster attention spans and amplify learning capabilities. Through active engagement in our program, students stand to enhance various facets of their development, including confidence, language proficiency, focus, memory retention, phonetic awareness, and overall learning aptitude. Moreover, participation may also contribute to the refinement of social skills, emotional regulation, and the management of stress and anxiety.

Transforming Education with the Tomatis® Method

Effective learning heavily relies on attention, a crucial aspect often compromised in the classroom setting, resulting in a decline in students’ overall knowledge levels. The good news is that attention can be cultivated! Scientific evidence indicates that the brain becomes more attentive when exposed to unpredictable changes. Through a continual introduction of surprises to the brain, the Tomatis® Method stimulates attention mechanisms, empowering students to improve their focus.

Beyond attention training, the Program influences neural circuits responsible for decoding and analyzing sounds. Implementing the Program is straightforward: with just one device and several wireless headphones, you’re ready to empower children to learn with confidence, enhancing their language and learning abilities as well as social skills.

Join the worldwide wave of learning revolution! Over 350 schools across the globe are tapping into the power of the Tomatis® Method to supercharge learning outcomes from preschool to university. Because when students listen better, teachers teach better!

Hearing to Learning with Tomatis


350+ schools have equipped the Tomatis® Method as part of their curriculum.

Why is the Tomatis® Method efficient for schools?


The Program effectively enhances learning, attention, concentration, and language skills for both children and adults, boasting a satisfaction rate exceeding 85%*.

*Study based on a panel of 200 schools in 2014


Backed by accreditation from the European Union through funded research and extensive implementation in numerous schools, as well as support from various scientific and clinical studies.


Implementing the Program is straightforward: requiring only one device and several wireless headphones, you’re all set to begin!


Recognizing the uniqueness of every student, the Tomatis Method offers programs tailored to individual needs and goals, adaptable to diverse educational contexts.

Tomatis® Programs for Schools

General learning program

The General Learning Program is tailored for students currently performing at an average level. The program aims to optimize the learning process and enhance academic performance by energizing the brain through high-frequency sounds that stimulate the auditory and brain systems. Additionally, the program helps improve attention by introducing specific sound contrast effects to surprise the brain constantly.

Learning difficulty / Special needs program

The Learning Difficulties program is designed to assist children who may have learning disabilities, attention disorders, hyperactivity, speech or reading problems, or difficulty understanding instructions. It focuses on developing motor skills, improving attention, and regulating emotions by stimulating the sensory system, detecting change through contrasting sounds, and using high-frequency music to control emotions and manage stress.

Expected benefits in students

Our listening program has a variety of benefits. Give your students the edge they need with Tomatis® Method.

  • Enhanced Learning Outcomes: Students experience improved concentration, focus, and memory retention, leading to better academic performance across various subjects.

  • Increased Engagement: By addressing underlying auditory processing issues, the Tomatis® Method helps students become more engaged and participatory in classroom activities.

  • Support for Diverse Learners: Whether dealing with learning disabilities, attention deficits, or language difficulties, our method offers tailored solutions to support the diverse needs of students.

  • Promotion of Holistic Development: Beyond academic success, the Tomatis® Method promotes overall development promoting self-confidence, communication skills, and emotional well-being.

Schools that use Tomatis® Method in their curriculum often observe their  students’ growth and development across the following domains:

Physical Benefits


Gross Motor
Fine Motor
Spatial Movement

Emotional benefits


Reduced stress and anxiety

Cognitive Attention Memory Sensory Integration Concentration Comprehension Reception


Sensory Integration

Interpersonal benefits


Social skills
Eye contact
Verbal and non-verbal communication

Integrating the Tomatis® Method into Educational Settings

The Protocol

The Tomatis® School Program follows a standard protocol where students listen to modulated music using wireless headphones:

  • for a duration of up to 1 hour per day
  • typically done three periods, each lasting 14 days

For whom?

  • From Kindergarten to high-school
  • From a small group to the whole school
  • Into the traditional curriculum or as an afterschool option


  • For the whole class in the morning
  • During school hours
  • For language learning – in small groups
  • After school sessions
  • Individual sessions

Engaging Activities for Sessions

  • Drawing, Painting or Arts
  • Movement or light exercises
  • Construction games like lego, cubes, playdough
  • Language development games
  • Memory and attention games


Institutions worldwide harness the transformative potential of the Tomatis® Method to enrich their programs and services. From hospitals and rehabilitation centers catering to special needs individuals to educational NGOs and medical-social centers, the method serves as a versatile tool for enhancing outcomes. Through ear-brain training and structured listening sessions, individuals experience tangible improvements in posture, coordination, cognitive function, and emotional regulation, leading to enhanced overall well-being and quality of life. Whether supporting children with special needs or aiding individuals coping with stress and trauma, the Tomatis® Method offers a holistic approach to healing and growth.

Tomatis® partners with institutions that fall into three categories:

  • Education Institutions: Enhances learning outcomes by improving attention, concentration, and language skills, empowering academic success. 

  • Healthcare and Rehabilitation Centers: Supports motor, cognitive, and emotional development for individuals with special needs.

  • Medical-Social Centers and Mental Health Facilities: Aids in managing stress, anxiety, and trauma, promoting healing and resilience.

Institutions have unique needs, which is why a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. The Tomatis® Listening program is tailored to each institution’s goals and requirements. Connect with us via the form below or through our contact page to explore how we can assist you.

Research & Case Studies of the Tomatis® Method in schools

Polish program for schools - “Attention for Success!“

The Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing in Warsaw, Poland led a three-year project that was financed by the European Union. During this project, 1330 pupils from 62 Polish schools, including those with and without learning difficulties, participated in the research. The results showed that the Tomatis® Method had a significant positive impact on the participants, indicating that the program could be beneficial in supporting and promoting the development of children with and without special needs. The study also suggests that auditory stimulation has the potential to become a part of a school curriculum.

School Pilot Research Project with the Tomatis® Method at Chichora Elementary, USA

The objective of this pilot research is to evaluate the efficacy of the Tomatis® Method within a 60-hour timeframe. The study seeks to determine whether the method has a positive impact on various academic skills, including reading, writing, math, attention, focus, and comprehension. Additionally, it aims to assess the method’s potential to enhance auditory processing in a full classroom setting, thereby improving overall classroom attention and productivity. The notable improvements observed across all students suggest that the program not only benefits those who may be struggling academically but also enhances the performance of students who are already excelling.

Impact of Tomatis® Method on Reading and Motor Skills in Dyslexic Students

The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of sound therapy using the Tomatis® Method on reading and motor skills in dyslexic students through an experimental approach. Fourteen dyslexic students were selected and divided into experimental and control groups. Pre-tests were conducted, followed by 30 sessions of sound therapy for the experimental group. Post-tests and follow-up assessments were conducted, revealing significant improvements in reading skills, fine motor skills, and executive functions among the experimental group. These findings suggest that sound therapy using Tomatis® may be beneficial for dyslexic students, with potential applications for other learning disabilities and conditions affecting executive functions

Early Effects of the Tomatis® Listening Method in Children with ADD (Attention Deficit) - Antioch University, Seattle

Significant improvements noted in cognition, attention and behavior. Improvements were also seen in processing speed, phonological awareness, phonemic decoding efficiency in reading, behaviour and auditory attention. All of this strongly suggest that the Tomatis® Method has positive effects in children with Attention Issues.

Start your journey and request your free „How to become a Tomatis® Practitioner“ documentation

Containing all the necessary details to commence your Tomatis® training as soon as possible

  • The Tomatis® Method explained in details and its application to sensory and auditory processing disorders
  • Its unique and unparalleled technology at your service
  • The 7 areas of application for which the Method gets results
  • The richness of its community of 3000 therapists around the world with whom you can interact and obtain support
  • Advice on how to propose the Method to your clients and integrate it into your protocols
  • All the modalities and programs to train in the Method and become a practitioner.
Image: Cover of the book 'Become a Tomatis Practitioner' depicted in black color

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only intended for professionals

Ecouter un extrait musical filtré avec l’effet de Gating® Tomatis®

Effet de Gating® :


Canal 1Faible timbre et intensité

Canal 2Fort timbre et intensité

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