The Tomatis® Method and Its Other Applications

The Tomatis® Method enhances three fundamental ear functions: balance, energy, and listening. Using the ear as a gateway, it enhances the ear-brain connection, benefiting auditory processing, learning, and communication. Owing to its broad spectrum of actions, the method has varied applications, catering to everyone from elevating academic skills to  language learners, from holistic well-being, singers and to expectant mothers. Explore the boundless possibilities.

Table of Contents
  • Academic Skills – Amplifying Learning Potential
  • Foreign Languages – Learn a Language in Half the Time
  • Public Speaking – Finding Your Voice with Confidence
  • General well-being and Stress – A Harmonious Respite for Mind and Body
  • Voice and Music – Fine-Tune Your Ears for a Better Voice
  • Pregnant Women – Nurturing Harmony Between Mother and Child
  • The Tomatis® Method Success Stories
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Academic Skills - Amplifying Learning Potential

    Every learner is unique, and the Tomatis® Program recognizes this diversity. A Tomatis® Program serves as an ideal foundation for enhancing overall learning capabilities. It acts as a catalyst, making any other educational course, program, tutoring, or school, whether private or public, more effective. By focusing on auditory processing and improving listening skills, the Tomatis method simplifies perception, enhances concentration, and makes learning more accessible and engaging.

    Empower academic excellence with the Tomatis Method. Boost cognitive functions like memory and attention, making learning a more engaging and rewarding experience. Whether you’re a student striving for top grades or an adult seeking to acquire new skills, let sound amplify your academic journey.

    Foreign Languages - Learn a Language in Half the Time

    Most languages have distinct overtones, and our ears are naturally tuned to our native language or our mother tongue. This makes it challenging to hear and pronounce foreign tones accurately. Alfred Tomatis discovered that this hinders pronunciation and memorization. However, he found a way to train your ears to hear different tones and frequencies. The Tomatis Language Integration program can greatly speed up language learning, enabling correct pronunciation and quick memorization.

    Immerse yourself in a unique language-learning journey with the Tomatis Method. By stimulating auditory perception, this program enables you to absorb linguistic nuances and cadences effortlessly. Experience accelerated language acquisition and enhance your communication skills, paving the way for richer cultural experiences and global connections.

    Public Speaking - Finding Your Voice with Confidence

    Your voice is your most potent tool in the professional arena, but it can also be your Achilles’ heel if not finely tuned. A strained voice can be off-putting, while nervousness often seeps into your tone. Conversely, a pleasant, melodic voice exudes trustworthiness, naturally drawing others in. In fact, your voice can be the linchpin of your professional success. That’s where Tomatis® comes into play.

    A Tomatis® program leverages the auditory feedback loop to enhance your voice and auditory processing. It involves audio vocal work that improves your sensitivity to sound nuances, resulting in a more captivating and harmonious voice.  It also contributes to reduced stage fright and boosts productivity, showcasing the broad impact of improved voice quality achieved through Tomatis®.

    Unleash your inner orator with the Tomatis Method’s impact on public speaking. Develop impeccable listening skills and refine your vocal delivery, enhancing your ability to captivate and engage audiences. Whether it’s presentations, speeches, or lectures, let the power of sound propel your communication prowess to new heights.

    General well-being and Stress - A Harmonious Respite for Mind and Body

    In our pursuit of physical fitness, we often overlook the maintenance of our mental faculties. Sensory stimulation, particularly through the ear, energises and relaxes the brain and body, underscoring its crucial role. 

    The Tomatis® Method has a dual impact, affecting both cortical recharge and the release of neurotransmitters. This dual action contributes to the effective regulation of anxiety and stress. Remarkably, these benefits endure in a sustainable manner, even after the completion of the program.

    In a fast-paced world, finding moments of calm is essential. The Tomatis Method, with its auditory stimulation can help ease stress, promote relaxation, and combat burnout. Immerse yourself in harmonious sounds to rejuvenate your mind.

    Voice and Music - Fine-Tune Your Ears for a Better Voice

    The voice speaks what the ear hears. For singers, musicians, and music enthusiasts, the Tomatis Method fine-tunes your auditory perception. Elevate your musical journey by enhancing your ability to discern nuances in tone, pitch, and rhythm. Engaging in exercises with the Tomatis Method proves highly effective for refining diction and eloquence, ultimately boosting self-confidence.

    Professionals like lawyers, sales executives, politicians, and businessmen who regularly engage in public speaking, where effective communication is paramount. Comedians, singers, and musicians can use the Tomatis Method to learn to use their voice more effectively, enhancing its pitch, tone, and rhythm. In a world where body language holds increasing significance, athletes, dancers, and actors use this tool to aid in refining their vocal skills, expression and complement their overall performance.

    Pregnant Women - Nurturing Harmony Between Mother and Child

    Experience the Tomatis Method’s gentle embrace during pregnancy. As soothing sounds envelop you, nurture a serene environment for both you and your growing baby. This auditory connection fosters a unique bond, promoting relaxation, emotional well-being, and a positive ambiance for the new life within. Why use Tomatis? The vestibular system is the first sensory system to develop in utero, starting as early as 17 days into pregnancy. Around weeks 18 to 20, the baby’s auditory system is fully awake, making it the only sense fully developed before birth. Active listening begins at 24 weeks, playing a significant role in foetal communication, language, and learning. During this time, your baby is immersed in a world of sounds and influenced by your hormones. When you experience relaxation and happiness, your unborn child thrives. Sound stimulation in the womb contributes to brain development, sensory organisation, and prepares the baby for future learning and language acquisition.

    Start your journey with Tomatis®

    To maximize your chances of success with the Tomatis® Method, please follow these steps :


    Get your personalized Tomatis® Welcome Booklet


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    Start your Listening Program and transform your Life

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    Step 1 - Get Your free Welcome Booklet

    Ecouter un extrait musical filtré avec l’effet de Gating® Tomatis®

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    Canal 2Fort timbre et intensité

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