How does the Tomatis® Method Enrich Your Learning Disabilities Therapy?

Learning disabilities are more prevalent than commonly perceived. At least 1 in 59 children has one or numerous learning disabilities. Dyslexia affects approximately 15-20% of the global population. The Tomatis® Method can be easily integrated and complements your Learning disabilities therapy.

Table of Contents
  • Learning Disabilities and the Tomatis® Method
  • Understanding Learning Disorders
  • Learning Disabilities and co-existing conditions
  • The Tomatis® Method: A Powerful Tool to Address Learning Disabilities
  • Incorporating the Tomatis® Method into Educational Settings
  • The Tomatis® Method Success Stories for Learning Disabilities
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Learning Disabilities and the Tomatis® Method

    In a world where every individual is unique, the ways in which we learn and process information vary greatly. For some, the journey of acquiring knowledge is smooth and straightforward, while for others, it can be a challenging path filled with hurdles.

    Learning disorders, often misunderstood and stigmatized, affect millions of individuals worldwide. Did you know around 60% of students with learning disabilities [LD] do not complete high school leading to unemployment? Recognizing the vital importance of addressing these obstacles, learning disabilities therapy has emerged as a cornerstone of support.

    Integrating the Tomatis® Method into your learning therapy aims to assist individuals with learning disabilities by enhancing auditory processing which has a positive impact on various cognitive functions related to learning and communication.

    Understanding Learning Disorders

    A learning disorder, also known as a learning disability, refers to a neurological condition that affects an individual’s ability to acquire and use specific skills related to learning, such as reading, writing, mathematics, or other academic tasks.

    These disorders are not related to intelligence, but rather to the way the brain processes information. People with learning difficulties often have average to above-average intelligence but struggle with certain aspects of learning.

    Different types of learning disabilities

    Learning disorders can manifest in various ways, and there are different types, including:


    While not a learning issue, ADHD involves challenges in maintaining focus, attention, behavior control, and often includes hyperactivity making it difficult to learn.

    Auditory Processing Disorder

    APD affects the brain’s ability to process and interpret auditory information, making it difficult to distinguish between sounds, follow instructions, or process language.

    Dyscalculia - A math disorder

    Dyscalculia is a learning disability that hinders understanding of numbers, performing calculations, and acquiring math skills.

    Dyslexia - A reading disorder

    Dyslexia is a specific learning disability impacting reading and language-based processing abilities.

    Dysgraphia - A writing disorder

    Dysgraphia impacts writing skills. Individuals with dysgraphia might struggle with handwriting, fine motor skills, spelling, and expressing thoughts coherently on paper.

    Dyspraxia - A coordination disorder

    Dyspraxia is a disorder characterized by difficulties in coordination, movement, language, and speech.

    Executive Functioning

    Executive Functioning challenges relate to tasks like planning, organization, strategic thinking, attention to detail, and time and space management.

    Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities

    Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities involve struggles in interpreting nonverbal cues such as facial expressions and body language, often accompanied by poor coordination.

    Signs of learning disorders

    Auditory processing difficulties are particularly common in those with Autism Spectrum, which can hinder their ability to differentiate and process sounds. Auditory processing is one of the most basic skills to understand and use speech.

    These difficulties manifest in challenges such as understanding speech in noisy environments, listening to multiple speakers simultaneously, and following verbal instructions. Even before an autism diagnosis, parents often observe these “auditory hypersensitivities” in their children, such as covering their ears in loud environments or having meltdowns in grocery stores, among others.

    Difficulty Reading (Dyslexia)

    • Struggles with letter and word recognition.
    • Slow or inaccurate reading.
    • Difficulty comprehending written material.

    Difficulty Writing (Dysgraphia)

    • Poor handwriting and difficulty forming letters.
    • Struggles with spelling, grammar and writing.
    • Inability to organize thoughts and ideas in writing.

    Difficulty with Math (Dyscalculia)

    • Difficulty understanding and applying mathematical concepts.
    • Challenges with basic arithmetic, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
    • Trouble memorizing math facts and sequences.

    Poor Attention and Focus (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD)

    • Inability to sustain attention on tasks.
    • Difficulty organizing tasks and activities.
    • Impulsivity and hyperactivity.

    Language Processing Difficulties

    • Trouble understanding spoken language.
    • Difficulty expressing thoughts and ideas verbally.
    • Challenges in following instructions or conversations.

    Difficulty with Organization and Time

    • Struggles with planning, organizing, and completing tasks.
    • Poor time management skills.
    • Forgetfulness and losing track of belongings.

    Inconsistent Academic Performance

    • Wide gaps between abilities in different subjects.
    • Inconsistent test scores despite adequate effort.

    Poor Memory

    • Difficulty remembering and retaining information.
    • Challenges with recalling facts, sequences, and instructions.

    The Tomatis® Method: A Powerful Tool to Address Learning Disabilities

    “Poor learners are poor listeners”, said Dr. Alfred Tomatis®. When a child encounters challenges with verbal or written language, it could stem from issues related to auditory processing.

    How it works?

    Central to the Tomatis® Method is the idea that the ear is not only responsible for hearing but also for shaping our ability to listen, focus, and communicate. The method employs the use of specifically engineered sound programs via proprietary technology, which involve listening to music that has been modified to stimulate the auditory pathways. This auditory stimulation has a profound impact on brain plasticity, helping to rewire neural connections that might be disrupted in individuals with learning disorders.

    The Science Behind the Transformation

    Research into the Tomatis® Method highlights its potential to reorganize and enhance the brain’s sensory integration processes. The method stimulates the neural pathways involved in auditory processing, which in turn can influence other cognitive functions. Studies have shown improvements in areas such as reading comprehension, attention span, memory, and emotional regulation. By providing the brain with the necessary auditory input, the Tomatis® Method creates an environment where learning becomes more accessible and enjoyable.

    Advantages of the Tomatis® Method in Your Learning Disabilities Therapy

    As an ear-brain fitness technique, the program exercises neural pathways, enabling action, perception, and thinking!

    Parents and professionals often cite the following advantages*:



    Auditory Processing Improvement

    Learning disabilities can be associated with difficulties in processing and interpreting auditory information. The Tomatis® Method employs specialized auditory stimulation to exercise and strengthen the auditory system. By doing so, it can enhance the brain's ability to process and differentiate sounds accurately.


    Improved Language and Communication Skills

    Many learning disabilities are linked to challenges in language development and communication. The Tomatis® Method's auditory training can contribute to improved speech perception, language processing, and speech production. This leads to enhanced communication skills and better interaction with others.



    Increased Attention and Focus

    Individuals with learning disabilities often struggle with sustaining attention and concentration. The auditory stimulation provided by the Tomatis® Method is designed to activate specific brain areas involved in attention regulation. As a result, individuals may experience improved focus and attention


    Better Sensory Integration

    Learning disabilities can sometimes be associated with sensory processing difficulties. The Tomatis® Method's sensory stimulation and integration approach can lead to better sensory input coordination, contributing to a more organized perception of the environment.


    Memory Enhancement

    Learning disabilities can impact memory functions, both short-term and long-term. By refining auditory processing, the Tomatis® Method might indirectly support memory enhancement by improving the brain's ability to retain and recall information.



    Enhanced Self-Confidence and Motivation

    Success in learning and academic activities can significantly influence self-esteem and motivation. As the Tomatis® Method's effects become apparent in improved learning abilities, individuals may experience increased self-confidence and a renewed motivation to engage in learning tasks.

    *It’s essential to note that while many individuals may benefit from the Tomatis® Method, its effectiveness can vary from person to person based on the specific nature of learning disability. Consulting with professionals and conducting thorough assessments can help determine if this method suits your needs.

    Incorporating the Tomatis® Method into Educational Settings

    The Tomatis® Method has been adopted by over 350 schools as an integral component of their educational framework. This methodology holds the potential to serve as a valuable resource within academic settings, particularly for children grappling with learning and scholastic obstacles. The School Edition of The Tomatis® Listening Program harnesses neuro-sensory techniques, employing auditory stimulation to augment attention spans and amplify learning capabilities. Through active engagement in this program, students have the opportunity to enhance their self-assurance, linguistic proficiencies, concentration levels, memory retention, phonetic precision, and holistic learning aptitudes.

    Interested in employing the Tomatis® Method in an educational setting? Learn more here: The Tomatis® Method for Schools and Institutions

    The Tomatis® Method Success Stories for Learning Disabilities

    • Can the Tomatis® Method help individuals with learning disabilities?

      Yes, the Tomatis® Method has shown promise in aiding individuals with learning disabilities. By addressing auditory processing difficulties, it can contribute to improvements in reading, language comprehension, and overall learning abilities
    • How does the Tomatis® Method benefit individuals with learning disabilities?

    • How does the Tomatis® Method work in schools?

    • Is the Tomatis® Method suitable for all types of learning disabilities?

    • Can we implement the Tomatis® method at home?

    • My child is hypersensitive to sound. Can the Tomatis® listening program be used by him/her?

    • How is the Tomatis® Method structured and how long does it take?

    Start your journey with Tomatis®

    To maximize your chances of success with the Tomatis® Method, please follow these steps :


    Get your personalized Tomatis® Welcome Booklet


    Find the best Practitioner with our interactive Map


    Start your Listening Program and transform your Life

    Image: Cover of the book 'Become a Tomatis Practitioner' depicted in white color

    Step 1 - Get Your free Welcome Booklet

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