The Tomatis® Toolbox

The Tomatis® Method operates through a range of specialized devices leveraging cutting-edge technology, such as the Maestro® headphones, or its predecessors, TalksUp® and Infinite® headphones. They possess the unique capability to instantly process both voice and music, faithfully reproducing the transformative "Tomatis® Effect." Easy to use yet highly efficient equipment for seamless integration into your practice - be it at your client’s home or your office.

What Sets the Tomatis® Toolbox Apart?

The Tomatis® Toolbox embodies the fundamental components of the Tomatis® Method, strategically crafted for therapists with their clients in focus. Simplifying the process, these tools aim to facilitate the realization of your clients’ utmost potential. Ever since the inception of Tomatis’ Electronic Gating®, the tools have consistently evolved, aiming for enhanced precision and utmost efficiency. The Maestro by Tomatis®, a pinnacle of this evolution, consolidates all the essential parameters of the Tomatis® Method, establishing itself as the most advanced and powerful tool in the arsenal of Tomatis® professionals.

Tomatis® Academy: Learning and Sharing Platform

Join our vibrant learning community designed to encourage collaboration among practitioners, cultivating a dynamic space for the exchange of new content and shared knowledge. With a secure platform dedicated to Tomatis® expertise, access a comprehensive repository of tools and insights gathered in one centralized location, allowing for on-demand learning at your convenience, anytime and anywhere.

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Key Features:

Initial and Continuous Training

On-demand training and live webinars at your fingertips, ensuring continuous access to valuable educational materials.

Centralized Resources Hub

Consolidated resources, including tutorials, client guides, posters, photos, videos, case studies, marketing tools, and more for easy access.

Flexible Learning Formats

Explore diverse learning opportunities such as courses, workshops, and mentorship sessions catered to various learning styles.

My Centre Feature

Personalize your center with Tomatis® listening packs, paid courses, practitioner additions, Tomatis® Studio access, and update your visibility on the map, all in one place.

Experience the convenience of on-the-go learning while building connections and expanding your expertise within the Tomatis® community, ensuring access to the right knowledge and resources precisely when and where you need them.

The Tomatis® Studio: Your Working Station

The pioneering Tomatis® Studio is a centralized hub that brings together all Tomatis® services into one integrated platform exclusively designed for Practitioners. Visualize a unified space where practitioners can effortlessly access client management, listening and behavioral assessments, and the ability to design custom Tomatis® programs—all within easy reach from anywhere in the world.

The Studio is dedicated to recentering practitioners’ attention on the essence of therapeutic and pedagogical relations while minimizing time spent on administrative tasks and maximizing productivity and efficacy in practice.

Traditionally, the process involved multiple steps, such as an evaluation with the Tomatis® Evaluation Database (TED), followed by a listening assessment with the Tomatis® Listening Test (TLT), and concluding with a paper-based anamnesis. This can be time-consuming and complex in generating a Tomatis® Program.

However, within the Tomatis® Studio, this complexity fades away. Specialized Checklists (anamnesis) tailored for Tomatis® use, Tomatis® Evaluation Questionnaire (TEQ) for client situation evaluations, TLT for assessing listening abilities, and the creation of various Listening Programs are coherently incorporated into this comprehensive platform. Accessible through individualized login credentials, this Studio metamorphoses and simplifies the Tomatis® experience for practitioners worldwide. Welcome to a new era of Tomatis® services with the innovative and interconnected Tomatis® Studio.

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Key Features:

Centralised Working Platform

Gain access to every facet of Tomatis® services through a single, intuitive web platform, accessible globally using your unique ID and password.

Client Management

Easily maintain all your client interactions – from creation to management, as well as historical Tomatis® events.

Tomatis® Checklist

An online questionnaire designed to evaluate potential risks in using Tomatis® methods, featuring a flagging system for easy identification of concerns.

Assessment modes

The Studio features two assessment modes, the TEQ for client-based situation evaluation, the TLT for assessing listening abilities. The purpose of these assessments is to find out where the client stands.

Program Customization

Select from automated, hybrid, or manual programming based on your expertise in the Method. Customize program composition and duration to meet your client’s needs.

Web Accessibility

With an easy-to-use, user-friendly, and intuitive interface, the Studio offers web accessibility at your fingertips.

Design the program to fit your client’s unique needs, like tailoring a bespoke suit, ensuring a personalized experience every time.
Each Tomatis® Program is one-of-a-kind, just like fingerprints—no two are alike!

Tomatis® Maestro: An all-in-one Solution for the Tomatis® Method

Introducing Maestro by Tomatis®, the #1 headphones in the world of auditory stimulation. Maestro is not just a personal headphone—it’s a revolution in auditory experience. It is a standalone device designed to deliver the complete Tomatis® Method experience, from Tomatis® assessments to sessions as established by the practitioner. It enables users to extend their ‘ear-brain gymnastics’ at home, even after they have finished the program.

With cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art advancements, Maestro leads the way in neuro auditory stimulation, seamlessly integrating all of Tomatis’ unparalleled technology and parameters into one sleek and powerful device. Picture this: an all-in-one headphone boasting air/bone conduction, Electronic Gating®, and an integrated microphone for vocal exercises. This multifunctional device operates as a centralized hub, performing real-time processing of music and voice, akin to the functionality of creating the full Tomatis® Effect.

The Maestro sets itself apart as the only headphone in the world equipped with a brilliant digital screen. It’s more than just a headphone; it’s a game-changer. Maestro eliminates the need for multiple devices, offering a streamlined solution.

Key Features of Maestro

  • Real-time filtered music processing to enable the Gating® Effect
  • Incorporated microphone for voice or audio-vocal work
  • Integrated Bone Conductor within the headband
  • In-built Tomatis Listening Test (TLT)  for assessing listening abilities
  • Performs listening sessions and audio-vocal work
  • Fully compatible with the Tomatis® Studio – your working platform
  • Individualised use at home during and after sessions
  • Doubles as a conventional headphone, thanks to its latest Bluetooth technology for enhanced transmission
  • [To add technical frequencies]
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TalksUp®: Advanced auditory brain training technology

TalksUp® is an innovative device integrating Tomatis® Method technology, featuring a compact, high-performance Tomatis® Electronic Gating® system. This tool adapts and advances alongside your training, processing music and user’s voice in real-time with customizable Tomatis® settings.

TalksUp® stands out at the forefront of auditory stimulation technology due to its distinctive processor, versatile and expandable functions, user-friendly programming software, and tailored client customization, making it the pinnacle of advanced technology in this field.

Key features of TalksUp® include:

  • Customization for clients’ ease of use and tracking their progress
  • Utilizes advanced Tomatis® Effect for auditory brain training
  • Real-time sound and voice processing via electronic gating
  • Access to uncompressed, protected musical content
  • Offers pre-designed programs and allows for program customization
  • Specialized sound treatment through two channels (C1/C2) with Delay and Precession parameters
  • High-frequency filters up to 8000 hertz
  • Active real-time treatment of user’s voice
  • Recording and treatment of familiar voices like the mother’s voice

Infinite® Air and Bone Conduction Headphones: Your personal Tomatis® Headphones

Tomatis®  Infinite Headphones serve as vital equipment for the Tomatis® Method. Renowned for their exceptional acoustic quality, these headphones optimize sound transmission from the TalksUp® device. Equipped with a built-in transducer (vibrator), they transmit sound through bone conduction atop the head. This unique dual transmission, programmed with specific delays, aids in enhancing the brain’s analysis of the auditory message.

Highlighted Features and Options:

  • High Definition (HD) Sound Quality
  • Bone/Air Conduction
  • Auditory Laterality Settings
  • HD Microphone Function for Active Voice Feedback Treatment
  • Availability in Children’s Sizes
  • Wireless Version (Non-Bluetooth) catering to groups and individuals


These headphones offer unparalleled functionality, enabling an immersive experience and aiding in the effectiveness of the Tomatis® Method.

Tomatis® Bone Conduction Kit: Enhanced Tool for Sensory Stimulation

Tomatis®  Infinite Headphones serve as vital equipment for the Tomatis® Method. Renowned for their exceptional acoustic quality, these headphones optimize sound transmission from the TalksUp® device. Equipped with a built-in transducer (vibrator), they transmit sound through bone conduction atop the head. This unique dual transmission, programmed with specific delays, aids in enhancing the brain’s analysis of the auditory message.

This specialized device serves as an excellent alternative to headphones at the initial stages of the program or as a supplementary aid to reinforce therapeutic actions.

This innovative solution facilitates working with:

  • Infants and toddlers under the age of 2
  • Children exhibiting heightened sensitivity to sounds
  • Individuals with hypotonia or sensory-motor delays requiring intensified stimulation alongside the Tomatis® headset

Utilizing bone conduction exclusively, this non-invasive device ensures safe stimulation, particularly beneficial for babies whose fontanels have yet to close.

Backed by clinically proven technology and meticulously tested by our team of Tomatis® experts and experienced consultants, this device has showcased remarkable efficacy aligned with Tomatis® protocols tailored for these specific applications.

Designed for use solely in the therapist’s presence, it allows for continuous monitoring of the client’s responses, enabling real-time modifications to the intervention as necessary.

TLT: Tomatis® Listening Test: Precision in Perception

Please note: The new Maestro comes equipped with an integrated TLT, eliminating the need for you to purchase this tool separately.

The TLT stands as a robust assessment tool within the Tomatis® Method. This test, short for Tomatis® Listening Test, evaluates an individual’s frequency perception via both bone and air conduction. Its primary objective is to construct a personalized listening curve for each person based on their unique listening thresholds.

While rooted in audiometry, this listening test functions as an autonomous assessment. Its focus lies in understanding an individual’s communication abilities. Composing a series of subtests, the synthesis of these components yields what is termed the ‘listening profile,’ a distinctive profile tailored to each individual. The test itself is straightforward: clients respond, either manually or orally, depending on their preference, to acoustic stimuli delivered via headphones transmitting sound through both air and bone conduction. Each ear undergoes testing sequentially. On average, the entire test duration is approximately fifteen minutes, with data digitally compiled for analysis.

The TLT incorporates a specialized technology, calibration, and usage protocol exclusive to this assessment tool. It’s important to note that while it serves as a training aid, the TLT should not be construed as a medical device. Its purpose does not include establishing medical diagnoses.

Ecouter un extrait musical filtré avec l’effet de Gating® Tomatis®

Effet de Gating® :


Canal 1Faible timbre et intensité

Canal 2Fort timbre et intensité

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