• DIR Floortime

  • Interactive Metronome
  • add adhd attention issues therapy
  • Sensory Integration Therapy
  • ABA Autism Therapy
  • MNRI Method
  • Sandplay Therapy
  • EMDR Therapy
  • emotional regulation

    Experience calm and confidence! The Tomatis® Method acts on the brain via the limbic system and the vagus nerve, promoting emotional balance and stress relief.

  • Biofeedback/Neurofeedback
  • other applications
    Recharge your life with the Tomatis® Method. Whether you're expecting, aiming to master a new language, seeking vocal improvement, or looking to relax, we've got you covered!
  • DIR Floortime


  • add adhd attention issues therapy

    Interactive Metronome

  • Sensory Integration Therapy

  • ABA Autism Therapy

  • MNRI Method

  • Sandplay Therapy

  • emotional regulation

    EMDR Therapy

    Experience calm and confidence! The Tomatis® Method acts on the brain via the limbic system and the vagus nerve, promoting emotional balance and stress relief.

  • other applications


    Recharge your life with the Tomatis® Method. Whether you're expecting, aiming to master a new language, seeking vocal improvement, or looking to relax, we've got you covered!

Ecouter un extrait musical filtré avec l’effet de Gating® Tomatis®

Effet de Gating® :


Canal 1Faible timbre et intensité

Canal 2Fort timbre et intensité

Play Pause Stop
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