Addressing Speech and Language Disorders: How the Tomatis® Method Can help?

Learning and communicating can seem easy as they are natural for most of us. But for one in ten people, it’s a daily battle.Their ability to properly process sensory information is compromised. Whether it is a childhood speech disorder or an adult speech impediment, the Tomatis® Method can help develop voice and sound production.

Table of Contents
  • Understanding Speech and Language Impairments
  • Common Speech and Language Disabilities
  • Signs of Speech & Language Impairments
  • Speech Disorders and Co-Occurring Conditions
  • Benefits of the Tomatis® Method integrated in Speech & Language therapy
  • To which speech and language therapies can the Tomatis® Method be added to?
  • The Tomatis® Method Success Stories
  • Testimonials from practitioners
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Understanding Speech and Language Impairments

    Speech and Language impairments are among the most common childhood disabilities—and they are highly treatable in most cases. Learning that your child has a speech impediment can be very upsetting. However, studies indicate that approximately 5% of children have distinct speech impediments before entering Grade 1.

    The Tomatis® Method is a neurosensory (ear-brain-body) training method that is non-invasive, natural, and can be used in complement with speech and voice therapy to elevate client results. Whether it is a childhood speech disorder or an adult speech disability, the Tomatis® Method can help develop voice and sound production.

    What is a speech disability or speech impairment?

    Speech involves the manner in which sounds and words are created, while language involves the utilisation of words and gestures to comprehend and convey information. Children experiencing speech and language disorders might encounter challenges in:


    Sound production


     Rhythm and flow 


    Quality of pitch, resonance, and loudness 




    Communicating Thoughts

    Kids confronted with language disorders might experience difficulties in comprehending or expressing themselves across various communication modes—verbal, nonverbal, and written. 

    A speech disorder can affect how a person forms sounds into words. Some of the most commonly experienced disorders are expressive language disorder, stuttering, apraxia, and dysarthria.

    A speech and language assessment is crucial

    The first step in evaluation is to rule out hearing or listening problems. Listening as an auditory processing issue is the most common cause of language problems. It is ideal to seek professional help and get your child assessed to eliminate any other underlying conditions.

    Common Speech and Language Disabilities


    Interruptions in the flow of speech, like repeating sounds or words.


    Difficulty in understanding or producing language, often due to brain damage.


    Weakness in the muscles used for speaking, causing slurred or slow speech.

    Speech Sound Disorders

    Motor speech issues with making certain sounds, leading to pronunciation difficulties.

    Voice Disorders

    Issues with voice pitch, loudness, or quality, like hoarseness, hyper and hyponasal speech.

    Social Communication Disorders

    Challenges with social aspects of communication, such as understanding social cues.

    Childhood Apraxia of Speech

    Difficulty in coordinating mouth movements for speech, despite having the ability and desire to speak.

    Language Disorders

     Problems with expressing or understanding spoken or written language.

    Signs of Speech & Language Impairments

    Children: Signs of Speech & Language Difficulties

    Children learn speech skills as they grasp various sounds and language rules, often making errors early on until improvement occurs. By age three, most kids reach communication milestones, but unmet ones could indicate future speech delay.

    Speech therapy addresses these disorders, and incorporating the Tomatis® Method in your speech therapy regimen aids voice and sound development in both children and adults. Common symptoms include repetitive sounds, word elongation, frustration, pauses, limited vocabulary, and vague words. If your child struggles to be understood by unfamiliar people, there might be a speech disorder concern. 

    Speak with your doctor or see a speech-language pathologist if your child:

    • Says p, b, m, h, and w incorrectly in words (1-2 years)
    • Says k, g, f, t, d, and n incorrectly in words or phrases (2-3 years)
    • Does not smile or interact with others
    • Has trouble playing and talking with other children
    • Repeats phrases, repeats first sounds of words— “c-c-c-catt” for “cat”
    • Shows frustration when trying to get words out
    • Limited vocabulary, lack of pronunciation
    • Speech delay, stammering

    Signs of speech impediments in adults can be characterised by: 

    • Struggles to say sounds or words
    • Repeats words or parts of words
    • Prefers short phrases
    • Uses words in the wrong order
    • Lack of understanding and difficulty using words
    • Trouble imitating speech sounds
    • Slow or rapid rate of speech
    • Slurred dialogue

    Speech Disorders and Co-Occurring Conditions

    Speech disorders frequently coincide with various other conditions, resulting in intricate challenges affecting communication and overall development. To list a few:

    Speech and Language Disorders

    Typically found in approximately 30% to 40% of individuals with speech disorders, language issues can manifest as difficulties in understanding or expressing thoughts, grammar, or instructions. In these cases, interventions addressing both speech production and language comprehension are often necessary.

    Speech and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

    Speech difficulties occur in about 30% to 40% of individuals with ASD, impacting both language skills and social interactions. Individuals might struggle with delayed language acquisition, echolalia, or using speech for social communication, making interactions more challenging.

    Speech and Learning Disabilities (e.g., Dyslexia)

    Present in around 20% to 30% of cases, impacting reading, writing, and communication. Various intellectual disabilities can impact speech and language development, leading to difficulties in articulation, comprehension, or expressive language skills. Challenges in phonological processing can hinder proper word formation and pronunciation.

    Speech and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

    Contributes to speech issues in roughly 20% of cases due to attention and focus challenges. This co-occurrence necessitates addressing attentional issues alongside speech therapy to manage speech fluency and maintain focus during conversations.

    Speech and Auditory Processing Difficulties (Auditory Processing Disorder)

    Linked to approximately 40% of individuals with speech sound disorders, these difficulties affect an individual’s ability to interpret auditory information, leading to challenges in speech sound discrimination.

    Speech and Sensory Issues

    Often observed in about 50% of cases alongside speech disorders. Individuals experiencing sensory challenges might struggle with modulating speech volume, pitch, or articulation, impacting their ability to communicate effectively. Sensory issues can also impact attention during speech therapy sessions.

    Speech and Hearing Impairments

    Hearing impairments contribute to speech delays in nearly 25% of cases, underscoring the importance of clear auditory input for language development. These impairments directly affect speech sound production, clarity, and language acquisition.

    Addressing these co-occurring conditions alongside speech disorders requires a comprehensive approach involving collaborative efforts among speech therapists, educators, psychologists, and medical professionals. Tailoring interventions considering the complexities arising from these interactions is crucial for effective management and support. Integrating strategies that address both speech-related challenges and the impact of co-occurring conditions is essential for successful intervention and overall improvement.

    Potential Benefits of adding Tomatis® in your Speech & Language therapy

    Alfred Tomatis said, “The voice can only reproduce what the ear hears.” The Tomatis® Method offers a range of benefits for individuals grappling with speech and language disorders, providing a unique approach that addresses these challenges comprehensively. Utilising auditory stimulation and neuroplasticity, the Tomatis® Method complements conventional speech, voice and language therapy to elevate a client’s capacity for attentive listening to both external voices and self-expression.

    It contributes to refining speech quality, fostering rhythmic conversational exchanges, and enhancing speech prosody. Harnessing the auditory feedback loop through the use of the microphone, bone conduction, and the Tomatis® effect can be instrumental in achieving these goals. Notable advantages*, as observed by practitioners and parents, include: 



    Refined Auditory Processing

    Enhances speech perception by training individuals to distinguish and process speech sounds.


    Better Articulation and Phonological Skills

    Aids in speech muscle training and sound differentiation, improving clarity in articulation and language understanding.


    Rhythmic Speech Fluency

    Fluency impairment often disrupts speech rhythm. Tomatis helps in achieving a steady speech rhythm, leading to more fluent communication.


    Voice Quality and Pitch Improvement

    Focuses on pitch and resonance, aiding those with voice impairments to develop a clearer, more confident voice.


    Enhanced Language Skills

    Expands vocabulary, comprehension, and expression by linking auditory input with language processing.


    Improved Sensory Integration

    Assists in adapting to sensory stimuli, enhancing communication, social interaction, and emotional control.


    Improves Social Skills and Confidence

    Helps to boost communication skills, leading to improved social interactions, relationships, greater self-assurance, and self-esteem.


    Increases Cognitive Abilities

    Enhances memory, attention, and concentration, key factors for successful communication and learning.


    Emotion and Stress Management

    Facilitates emotional regulation via sensory integration, assisting in handling impulsivity, mood swings, and potentially diminishing stress levels.

    *It’s important to note that the Tomatis® Method is not a substitute for traditional therapy for speech and language disorders, but rather, it can be added as a complementary approach. The results of the method may vary from person to person, and it’s important to consult with a professional who can evaluate and suggest the best approach for your individual needs.

    What are some speech and language therapies that can be complemented by the Tomatis® Method?

    The Tomatis® Method can be a valuable addition to various speech and language therapy programs, enhancing their effectiveness through its unique auditory stimulation approach. Here are some speech and language disorder tools to which the Tomatis® Method can complement:

    • Speech Therapy:

      Standard for addressing articulation, fluency, and voice issues. The Tomatis® Method enhances by focusing on auditory processing, refining sound perception, and aiding speech clarity.

    • Language Therapy:

      Targets comprehension and expression challenges. The Tomatis® Method aids in understanding spoken language and refining expression through auditory stimulation.

    • Articulation Exercises:

      Complemented by Tomatis® Method’s training in precise sound perception and audio vocal work. Helps those with sound disorders enhance articulation and pronunciation. 

    • Voice Therapy and Fluency Interventions:

      Aims for vocal quality and resonance improvement. Tomatis® Method’s auditory training enhances vocal control, refining voice quality. The Method aids fluency disorders, improving speech rhythm and flow for smoother speech patterns too.

    • Language Comprehension Interventions:

      Enhances auditory processing for more effective language comprehension in individuals facing comprehension difficulties. Tomatis® enhances the brain’s interpretation of auditory information, a pivotal factor in improving comprehension.

    • Expressive Language and Communication Programs:

      The Tomatis® Method boosts auditory processing, facilitating better expression in interventions targeting expressive language issues. The program’s holistic approach benefits verbal and nonverbal skills, improving communication.

    The Tomatis® Method Success Stories


    Frequently Asked Questions

    • Can the Tomatis® Method address co-occurring conditions with speech and language difficulties?

      Yes, the Tomatis® Method's holistic approach can benefit individuals with co-occurring conditions like sensory issues, attention difficulties, and learning disabilities. Its emphasis on underlying sensory and cognitive factors aligns with addressing these challenges.
    • My child with SLD gets stressed when it is time to head to a clinic. Can we implement the Tomatis® method at home?

    • How does the Tomatis® Method work alongside speech exercises?

    • My child is hypersensitive to sound. Can the Tomatis® listening program be used by him?

    • Why should the Tomatis® Method be integrated into my child’s speech therapy?

    • Is the Tomatis® Method suitable for both children and adults with speech and language disorders?

    • How long does it typically take to see results with the Tomatis® Method?

    • Can the benefits of the Tomatis® Method be maintained over time?

    Start your journey with Tomatis®

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