The Tomatis® Method – A complementary tool to ASD Therapies

“My child is not responding when I call him.”, “My child does not always look me in the eye.”, “My child is still not saying any words, my child is not pointing to things they want.” Parents often resonate with these behaviours as their autistic children go through developmental stages. This prompts them to embark on their “Google Search Journey” for the best interventions, including occupational therapy, auditory interventions, language development, speech therapy, and more. The question arises: Where does one begin?

Table of Contents
  • What is Autism? Signs and Symtoms
  • Autism and overlapping conditions
  • What to expect from the Tomatis® method when added to ASD Therapy?
  • See how Tomatis® helps Autism
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is Autism? Signs and Symptoms

    Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how people interact with others, communicate, learn, and behave. Each year, around 1 in 100 children receive an Autism Spectrum diagnosis [Source: WHO]. ASD can affect various aspects of life, including listening, language, nonverbal communication, and sensory processing that have a significant impact on daily life, leading to anxiety and behavioral difficulties in varying type and severity. Timely detection and professional intervention are vital for individuals with ASD and their families to ensure proper support and care.
    Let’s take a closer look at some of the symptoms:

    Autism Communication Problems:

    • Does not respond to name
    • Appearing not to look at or listen to people who are talking
    • Lacks shared interests or common hobbies with others
    • Fails to recognize when others are hurt or upset
    • Does not observe other children or plays with them
    • Doesn’t roleplay – doesn’t enact to be a teacher, doctor, superhero etc

    Autism Restricted Behaviors

    • Repetitive body movements (e.g. rocking, flapping)
    • Repetitive motions with objects (e.g. spinning wheels)
    • Ritualistic behaviors (e.g. lining up objects)
    • Need for a uniform routine (e.g. meal menu)
    • Repeats words or phrases over and over (called echolalia)

    Other Autism characteristics

    • Difficulty with spoken language
    • Doesn’t maintain eye contact
    • Delayed movement skills
    • Delayed cognitive or learning skills
    • Gastrointestinal issues
    • Atypical emotional responses
    • Anxiety, stress, or excessive worry
    • Hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and/or inattention

    Autism and overlapping conditions

    Autism and Auditory Processing Disorder

    Auditory processing difficulties are particularly common in those with Autism Spectrum which can hinder their ability to differentiate and process sounds. Auditory processing is one of the most basic skills needed to understand and use speech. These difficulties manifest in challenges such as understanding speech in noisy environments, listening to multiple speakers at once, and following verbal instructions. Even before an autism diagnosis, parents often observe these “auditory hypersensitivities” in their children such as covering ears in loud environments or having meltdowns in grocery stores among others.

    In multiple research studies, approximately 65% of parents report that their child with autism exhibits sensitivity to noise [Bishop SL, Hus V, Duncan A 2013]. Smaller studies indicate that up to 93% of individuals with autism show atypical responses to sounds, including difficulties in filtering sounds [Tomchek SD, Dunn W 2007].

    Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder

    Sensory processing difficulties, including outbursts, tantrum throwing, illegible handwriting, and maladaptive behaviors, are present in approximately 90% of individuals with ASD. Both conditions involve atypical sensory processing, where individuals may experience hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity to various sensory stimuli, such as touch, sound, taste, smell, and visual input. Issues with gross motor skills like shaky limbs, balance, coordination are also common.

    Autism and Communication Disorder

    ASD impacts communication and social interaction, resulting in challenges related to effective communication, socializing, and displaying restricted or repetitive behaviors. Frequently, they struggle with language development, understanding what is said to them, and nonverbal communication, including gestures, eye contact, and facial expressions.

    The Tomatis® Method’s focus on the ear-brain connection leads to improved auditory processing. As auditory processing is enhanced, individuals experience benefits in motor skills (sensory processing), emotional well-being (social communication, aggression) and cognitive abilities (listening, learning, attention etc). This comprehensive approach makes it an effective intervention for its overlapping conditions, ultimately enabling individuals on the autism spectrum to lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives.

    In the realm of Autism Spectrum interventions, a wide range of therapies like Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Sensory integration therapy, behavioral therapy, floortime therapy, music therapy, and auditory programs are utilized to enhance motor planning, attention, communication, imitation, and play skills in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

    Among these interventions, the Tomatis® Method, a neurosensory auditory stimulation program, can be used as a complementary tool. It offers a natural and non-intrusive approach that seamlessly integrates with existing therapies for the autism spectrum. The Tomatis® listening program improves a person’s motor skills, emotional balance, listening, language, and communication abilities, thus enhancing their quality of life. With trained and licensed professionals at the helm, this method yields lasting results.

    Discover the benefits of the Tomatis® Method for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder often observed by therapists and parents*:


    Decreased hypersensitivity to sounds

    Enables better coping with noise and reduces meltdowns.


    Improved connection with the surroundings

    Reduces feeling threatened by surrounding sounds.


    Decreased temper tantrums

    Diminishes temper tantrums and repetitive behavior, leading to increased attention.


    Reduced tactile defensiveness

    Promotes increased interaction and social engagement by reducing aversion to touch.


    Improved receptive and expressive language skills

    Leads to increased vocalization and experimentation with speech.


    Strengthened appreciation for food,

    Boosts acceptance of various textures and tastes, thus, a broader food palate.


    Improved self-image and confidence

    Strengthened self-image and confidence through connection with one's voice.


    Enhanced social skills

    This includes seeking contact, following directions, and initiating interactions.


    Reduced aggressive behavior

    Diminished aggression towards self and others, reducing self-inflicted injuries.


    Better eye contact

    Increased ability to maintain eye contact and comprehend verbal communication.


    Faciltates Communication

    Improved listening and sensory integration lay the groundwork for communication.


    Improved motor skills

    Builds a sensory integration foundation, improving motor skills.

    *It’s important to note that the Tomatis® Method is not a substitute for traditional therapy for autism spectrum disorder, but rather it can be added as a complementary approach. The results of the method may vary from person to person and it’s important to consult with a professional who can evaluate and suggest the best approach for your individual needs.

    • What if my autistic child does not like to use headphones?

      We have many experienced and trained professionals that can help you or your child accept headphones.  If you can still not tolerate wearing headphones do not worry.  We have the Tomatis® technology embedded in a bone-conduction kit. So instead of wearing headphones, you wear the device as a belt as a preparation tool.
    • My child with Autism gets stressed when it is time to head to a clinic. How do we address this?

    • What if my child cannot listen to this program every day or for the said time?

    • My child has non-verbal autism, can you still help?

    • To what therapeutic modalities can the Tomatis® Method be added to use as a complementary tool for autism?

    • Is the Tomatis® Method a Music Therapy for Autism?

    • What is the role of the Tomatis® Method in spectrum therapies?

    Start your journey with Tomatis®

    To maximize your chances of success with the Tomatis® Method, please follow these steps :


    Get your personalized Tomatis® Welcome Booklet


    Find the best Practitioner with our interactive Map


    Start your Listening Program and transform your Life

    Image: Cover of the book 'Become a Tomatis Practitioner' depicted in white color

    Step 1 - Get Your free Welcome Booklet

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