The Tomatis® Method: Adding a powerful game-changing tool to your practice

For over 60 years, this sound-based neurosensory program has been assisting over 4000 professionals worldwide in making their practice more EFFICIENT, COMFORTABLE, and PROFITABLE. Complementary to various therapeutic or pedagogical approaches, the Tomatis® Method amplifies results, significantly shortening traditional therapeutic timelines. Elevate your practice with this dynamic approach, capitalizing on its proven effectiveness to achieve more impactful and time-efficient outcomes for your clients.

We assist therapists and mental health professionals in tackling their top 5 challenges

With our daily experience in working with professionals around the world, we have observed a significant oversight in the integration of the listening aspect in their practices. We recognize the immense importance of the human ear in motor, cognitive, and emotional development and are aware of the difficulties you face professionally as well as in helping your clients to achieve their goals. 

Progress stagnation for some clients

Slow or Lack of Progress for Clients

Witnessing progress plateau despite your dedicated efforts and subsequent sessions can be disheartening, frustrating and can make you feel helpless.

Lack of extra support for clients with special needs

Extra Support for Certain Clients

Your clients may not always be receptive at the time of the session. Those with special, unique needs demand special attention and extensive support, even at home.

Professionals feel isolated

Limited Continuous Development

Therapists often express a sense of  isolation before joining our network. Being able to continuously learn & develop, and share experiences with fellow practitioners is invaluable, providing them with the necessary support, camaraderie, and guidance when facing challenges.

Lack of time for professionals

Better Work-Life Balance

Finding time for session preparation, exploring new approaches with clients and  to invest in your own professional development can be challenging. Achieving a healthier work/life balance and expanding your practice beyond your current circles requires time and effort. 

Lack of time for professionals

Increase Revenue Per Client

Balancing quality care with financial stability and sustainable growth is a persistent concern for therapists. Diversified services like at-home programs can enhance client experience and increase your earnings without investing more time. 

It is time to say HELLO to Tomatis® – The Missing Puzzle Piece in Your Professional Toolbox!

Discover how the #1 Neuro Auditory Stimulation will transform your practice

The Tomatis® Method is effective because it focuses on the ear, the doorway to the brain for processing sensory stimuli.  The aim is to restore adaptive listening by targeting the middle ear and sending stimuli directly to the brain. This has a direct impact on motor, emotional, and cognitive skills that are often disrupted by various conditions or diagnoses.

With a track record spanning over 60 years, Tomatis® has proven to be a game changer for thousands of professionals worldwide.  As a powerful neurosensory program, Tomatis® adds a unique dimension to your practice, enhancing its effectiveness and versatility. It is the missing puzzle piece that will complete your professional endeavors. 

Discover in detail the transformative impact of incorporating Tomatis® into your toolkit:

Growth Graph - Enhance Results For Your Clients

Enhance Results For Your Clients

Optimize, reinforce, and accelerate the results of your practice without investing much time, by integrating a tool that can be used simultaneously, IF compatible with your sessions or at your clients’ homes.

Support Your Client At Home

Support Your Client At Home

Offer additional support to all your clients with a home listening program that complements your sessions. This listening program serves as an invaluable support system, ensuring continuous progress and lasting transformation.

Use A Scientifically Proven Method

Use A Scientifically Proven Method

Improve your client’s potential using a scientifically validated solution that has been meticulously developed and proven for over 60 years. This solution has been confirmed to produce positive results by thousands of professionals worldwide.

Fuel your passion with experts and peers

Join our extensive network of 4000+ practitioners you can turn to, to address any questions or concerns, either in-person or online. Gain access to resources and continue education that will enable you to continue to develop personally and professionally.

Expand Your Reach, Expand Your Practice

Expand Your Reach, Expand Your Practice

Attract new clients directly into your practice by taking advantage of the visibility that comes with a world-renowned therapy. Boost your revenue per client effortlessly through our convenient at-home programs, saving you valuable time!

All this, while
giving you
more time for



7 Compelling Reasons to Add Tomatis® to Your Professional Toolbox


Effective and efficient

92% of practitioners who have integrated the Tomatis® Method are satisfied with its effectiveness with their clients

Survey of 500 Tomatis® practitioners in 2023

  • The Tomatis® Method accelerates and reinforces conventional therapeutic and educational protocols, benefiting over 200,000 people annually and counting.
  • Our network of practitioners is expanding at an increasing rate, primarily due to the positive recommendations of certified practitioners. Some are even opening dedicated centers to meet the growing demand for the Tomatis® Method exclusively.

“Tomatis changes lives every day! Let us help you do that.”


Evidence-based (or research-based) practice

More than 90 scientific researches and clinical studies have demonstrated compelling results with the Tomatis® Method in a variety of fields, such as: Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD), Auditory Processing Disorders, Learning disabilities, Emotional management and more.

You can peruse the synopses of these research works to persuade yourself and unveil the scientific mechanisms that are


Gentle, non-invasive and no-risk

The Tomatis® Method is a natural approach to neurosensory stimulation through music and voice. This is usually well received and appreciated by users, especially children.

„Non-invasive“, meaning it poses no risk to your clients. Through the broadcasting of music and voice modified in real time by Tomatis® technology, trains the brain’s ability to process information captured by the auditory system more accurately, which inturn improves your clients’ motor, emotional and cognitive functions gradually.


Flexible, comprehensive and broad spectrum

Besides its remarkable flexibility as a therapeutic and educational tool, the Tomatis® Method can meet a variety of goals and is suitable for clients of all ages, from children to seniors. According to Alfred Tomatis, the ear plays a crucial role in processing over 80% of the brain’s stimuli. Consequently, the positive impact of auditory stimulation is profound and far-reaching.

  • At the motor level, activates the vestibule, the organ responsible for maintaining balance, is facilitated by the auditory system.
  • At the emotional level, the ear acts as a dynamic source of energy, regulating the transmission of energy to the brain.
  • At the cognitive level, the quality of listening is enhanced, resulting in improved cognitive functioning.

By addressing the ear-brain connection, the method improves auditory processing, a common issue associated with various conditions. Its broad spectrum of action allows it to support individuals with motor and coordination disorders, emotional disorders, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD), Autism Spectrum, Learning Disabilities, Speech and Language disorders, and many more.


Easy to integrate and complementary

84% of Tomatis® practitioners are satisfied with the integration of the Method into their practice*.

Survey of 500 Tomatis® practitioners in 2023

  • At home or in your office, and even during your sessions, depending on the needs of your client and your practice
  • ZERO scheduling conflicts: after the 14-day session, a flexible consolidation period of around 30 days follows, allowing you to continue with your usual appointment frequency
  • Complementary to conventional and alternative therapies : fits seamlessly into both of these protocols.


Optimizes practice time

Incorporating a new high-tech tool into your daily practice can be daunting at times. But we have made it simple and accessible for everyone. We have consolidated all the Tomatis® technology, expertise, and knowledge into user-friendly tools that can be utilized by anyone, even those unfamiliar with new technologies.

Leveraging a variety of specialized devices, the Tomatis® Method has a distinctive capability to instantly process both voice and music, faithfully replicating the transformative “Tomatis® Effect.” These easy-to-use yet highly efficient tools effortlessly integrate into your practice, whether you’re working with clients at their homes or in your office. The Tomatis® Toolbox, crafted with therapists and their clients in mind, streamlines the process with the goal of unlocking your clients’ maximum potential.

Explore the Tomatis® Toolbox


Impacts your business positively

72% of Tomatis® practitioners are satisfied with the positive impact of the Tomatis® Method on their business.

Survey of 500 Tomatis® practitioners in 2023

The Tomatis® Method serves as a complementary tool to your current practice, offering an opportunity to generate additional income while requiring minimal time dedication. This is because the Tomatis® listening program can be followed by the client at home.

Secondly, over 100,000 visitors consult our website and its map every month to find a practitioner in their local area, which is an opportunity for you. Capitalize on the demand now!

As a final component, our team works constantly to develop the visibility of Tomatis® Method through events and advertising in the countries where we have practitioners. From day one, they provide full support to ensure you have the necessary tools for success with Tomatis® – both to help your clients and grow your business.


Start your journey and request your free „How to become a Tomatis® Practitioner“ documentation

Containing all the necessary details to commence your Tomatis® training as soon as possible

  • The Tomatis® Method explained in details and its application to sensory and auditory processing disorders
  • Its unique and unparalleled technology at your service
  • The 7 areas of application for which the Method gets results
  • The richness of its community of 3000 therapists around the world with whom you can interact and obtain support
  • Advice on how to propose the Method to your clients and integrate it into your protocols
  • All the modalities and programs to train in the Method and become a practitioner.
Image: Cover of the book 'Become a Tomatis Practitioner' depicted in black color

Ask your free documentation

only intended for professionals

Discover what our practitioners have to say about the Tomatis® Method and the Tomatis® Academy

No more ADHD medications

  The Tomatis program has made a significant difference in my child’s life. He is more calm, more focused, and has an increased attention span. Before completing the Tomatis program my child was medicated for hyperactivity. He is no longer on any medicine and is able to control his behavior and impulsiveness. He enjoys the sessions and they seem to have a calming affect on him that continues after completion. The benefits build with each session.

Jennifer G.

Some positive changes in our child already

We came to know about Tomatis from parents of a child who has had remarkable progress since the program. This was in India. The child was non-verbal and now can keep talking in great details about every character and weapon used in Star Wars! We are so glad to have found Cat, who does Tomatis program in the UK. She helped conduct the first two intensives of the Tomatis program, and also took time to explain various aspects that can affect speech, sensory issues, attention span, etc. She is a true professional and great in joining the dots of potential issues with certain behaviour(s). She is extremely patient and friendly and comes up with suggestions from time to time. She is also very prompt in responding to the smallest of the queries. We have started seeing some positive changes in our child already. Thank you so much Cat!

Kartik S.

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Ecouter un extrait musical filtré avec l’effet de Gating® Tomatis®

Effet de Gating® :


Canal 1Faible timbre et intensité

Canal 2Fort timbre et intensité

Play Pause Stop
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