Transforming lives through innovative neurosensory solutions

Sound Evidence-based Neurostimulation Program for Auditory Processing Issues impacting Motor and Coordination, Emotional, Attention, Learning, Speech and Language, and even Autism Spectrum Disorders

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0 practitioners worldwide
0 scientific studies
Over 3.000.000 users

4000 practitioners worldwide

90 scientific studies

What is the Tomatis Method ?

The Tomatis® Method is a powerful neurosensory stimulation program that improves motor skills, emotions and cognition through music and language.

  • Why Tomatis® ?

    Tomatis® is safe, non-intrusive, and scientifically researched.  With 60+ years of experience and efficiency, coupled with our proprietary tech, the Tomatis® Method transforms lives. Read more to learn why.

  • therapeutic listening program evidence based

    The Science

    Most of our brain's stimuli comes from the ear. Tomatis® capitalizes on the ear as the portal to the brain, employing neuroplasticity to rewire and retrain the brain.

  • tomatis therapy results

    Your listening program

    Think of our listening program as aerobics for the ear. It works because it does not simply address signs; it focuses on the relationship between the ear, brain and voice.

Start your journey with Tomatis

To maximize your chances of success with the Tomatis® Method and to achieve your desired goals, please follow these steps :


Get your personalized Tomatis® Welcome Booklet


Find the best Practitioner with our Interactive Map


Start your Listening Program and Transform your Life

listening program occupational therapy
Image: Cover of the book 'Become a Tomatis Practitioner' depicted in white color

Take the initial leap to transform your life today!

Choose the area of application

If you are looking for support for a loved one with special needs or yourself, children or adults, the Tomatis Method can help with:

  • DIR Floortime

  • Interactive Metronome
  • add adhd attention issues therapy
  • Sensory Integration Therapy
  • ABA Autism Therapy
  • MNRI Method
  • Sandplay Therapy
  • EMDR Therapy
  • emotional regulation

    Experience calm and confidence! The Tomatis® Method acts on the brain via the limbic system and the vagus nerve, promoting emotional balance and stress relief.

  • Biofeedback/Neurofeedback
  • other applications
    Recharge your life with the Tomatis® Method. Whether you're expecting, aiming to master a new language, seeking vocal improvement, or looking to relax, we've got you covered!
  • DIR Floortime


  • add adhd attention issues therapy

    Interactive Metronome

  • Sensory Integration Therapy

  • ABA Autism Therapy

  • MNRI Method

  • Sandplay Therapy

  • emotional regulation

    EMDR Therapy

    Experience calm and confidence! The Tomatis® Method acts on the brain via the limbic system and the vagus nerve, promoting emotional balance and stress relief.

  • other applications


    Recharge your life with the Tomatis® Method. Whether you're expecting, aiming to master a new language, seeking vocal improvement, or looking to relax, we've got you covered!

Benefits of Tomatis Method

The Tomatis Method gets real results. Retrain your brain and transform your life.

  • increase attention span

    Arouse Attention

    Attention is the brain's response to unexpected changes, influencing cognitive functions in both children and adults. Tomatis® employs 'Electronic Gating®' to train the brain to stay alert and enhance selective attention.

  • regulate your emotions

    Regulate Emotions

    Tomatis® leverages the ear as a key audio-motor system, energising the brain with sound to enhance perception, memory, attention, and consciousness. It can also re-trains the brain's response, promoting adaptive coping and reducing stress.

  • Speech & Language

    The auditory feedback loop, connecting ear to brain and back, impacts speech precision and learning. Tomatis® Method enhances this loop through sound modification, refining speech, language, and learning abilities. 

  • Activate Motor Skills

    The ear isn't just for hearing; it's also crucial for balance and coordination. The Tomatis® Method syncs messages from the vestibule (the balance organ in the ear) improving motor skills and rhythmic integration.

Alfred Tomatis, the founder of the Tomatis Method

Early in the 1950’s, he discovered that the ear plays a fundamental role in voice production, singing, speech, language, motor skills and coordination. This allowed him to describe a distinction between hearing and listening. 


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Ecouter un extrait musical filtré avec l’effet de Gating® Tomatis®

Effet de Gating® :


Canal 1Faible timbre et intensité

Canal 2Fort timbre et intensité

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